You favorite frap is on campus

By: Destiny Venecia, PAC Pulse Staff Reporter

Ozuna Cafe at PAC

Palo Alto College baristas are on campus ready to serve the PAC community Monday through Friday as early as 7:30 a.m. at the Ozuna Cafe on campus.

You will find the welcoming cafe the moment you walk through the double doors of the PAC Library located in the Ozuna building. The smell of coffee beans fill the air, as the friendly baristas prepare caffeinated beverages for students seeking a pick me up.

I had the privilege of stopping by the Ozuna Cafe, and interviewed Rebecca, our on-campus barista. She stated, “I love what I do although I wish more individuals knew we are here on campus. I walked by students and couldn’t help but over hear them making arrangements to travel miles to get a vanilla bean Frappuccino.” Little do these students know, a delicious frap awaits them steps from their next class.

Ozuna Cafe at PAC

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, 92 percent of students drink coffee, and 79 percent said coffee-drinkers use caffeine to stay awake.

Ozuna Cafe barista George stated, “We call our location the ‘back dungeon’. Many do not know we are located on campus. I wish we had more customers here to keep us busy allowing our day to go by faster.”

Today, more than ever, coffee is the college student’s source of energy. Students take advantage of cafe’s to work and ensure assignments get done on time.

After conducting a local survey at the PAC and SAC campuses, a quote from a PAC student stated, “Coffee is what has gotten me this far, I am positive I will make it to graduation with coffee on my side.” It is no surprise that places like the Ozuna Cafe are needed on campus.

Let’s take a trip and “sip in” to our on campus Starbucks!

Destiny Venecia is a Communication major at Palo Alto College and a PAC Pulse staff reporter.

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