Students’ guide to start living their bucket list

By: Evelyn Coronado, PAC Pulse Reporter

On May 4th, Nina Fritz, a Certified Bucket List Coach, held a zoom session about how to create and start living your bucket list now. This online meeting is three sessions long so attendees can learn how a bucket list can help you thrive, how to set goals and reach them, and also help them find purpose in their life.

In the meeting Nina Fritz, shared a video about how much time a person really has to live their life portrayed through jellybeans. It showed how much time is spent sleeping, eating, working, driving, watching tv, spending time with loved ones, and even hobbies. Then it shows the rest of the time remaining where a person can do anything else that is meaningful to them. After that she showed the top five quotes from elderly people about regrets that they have looking back at their lives. The top regret being “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”.

According to Fritz’ presentation at the event, it is a 12 step blueprint to create your bucket list and she even has some rules. For instance, you are not allowed to tell a single person about when you complete it since you are doing it for yourself, shoot for the moon when creating your goals, and start with why you want to accomplish that goal. Fritz made each letter of the phrase “My Bucket List” have its own meaning so it can help people come up with a goal for their personal bucket list. Fritz went over the first 4 letters of this phrase M, Y, B, and U.

The first letter “M” stands for “meet a personal hero”. Attendees were told to think about a person that inspires them, someone that they have been paying close attention to lately, or someone that they have met before but want to get to know better. Fritz reminded people that it doesn’t have to be anyone famous, just anyone that they may want to meet, and also think about why they want to meet that person.

The second letter “Y” stands for “your proudest achievements”. Attendees were told to think about a goal that would make them proud or give them a sense of fulfillment when completing it and looking back at it.

The third letter “B” stands for “buy that special something”. Attendees had to think about something that they have always wanted to get for themselves or buy for someone else, but have always put off because they didn’t have the money for it or thought it wasn’t important.

The fourth letter “U” stands for “ultimate challenges”. This goal is for attendees to have a physical or mental challenge that they would like to accomplish. This could be events that they could compete in or maybe something that they are struggling with and overcome.

During the meeting, the attendees were asked to share the goals that they would come up with for each letter and why it is important to them to accomplish this goal. Fritz shared some of her accomplishments for each letter so that the students would be more comfortable sharing their own goals.

If you want to attend the next meetings to learn more about creating your personal bucket list and how you can start living it, then sign up for the next meeting with Nina Fritz! Next session is on Friday May 6th of 2022, sign up here: And to attend the final session sign up here:

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